Ap Space Exploration Synthesis Essay

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Synthesis Essay Space has been a controversial topic for a multitude generations. However, when we begin to ponder about exploring space, it served as a catalyst in refining the human imagination. Missions to space allow us to gain a new perspective of the place we call “home,” and the possible threats that may impede us. Space exploration is often perceived as a necessary duty; however, it does not reflect on financial issues, ethical issues, and the safety of a venturing explorer. To allow space exploration to continue, one must take into account the financial cost to fund a mission to space. In document A, the author first states his point that our space exploration program is absolutely worth the cost, and that the money disperses through the economy through manufacturing and salaries. Source A’s statement about the usefulness of space exploration is extremely important because it debunks the claim that the funding goes to waste. Source H claims that while he entertains the thought of traveling to other planets, he cannot imagine using taxpayer money to do so. While it is easy to reconcile Source A’s claim with the fact that space exploration costs more than just a day’s lunch money, his claim is flawed because he overlooks the fact that his ‘taxpayer money’ goes back into the economy through salaries paid to …show more content…

Source E posits that we need certain tenets to be able to ethically travel through space. Source E’s premise is correct in that we need to have certain limits that we cannot cross in order to preserve our solar system better than we have preserved our own. In source G, one of the first astronauts comments about his experience in space. While Source G’s idea that if we brought our political leaders 100,000 miles above earth, that might change their views, is probable, in most cases it would not matter much more than a nice vacation in many politicians

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