Ap Synthesis Essay Library

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As the world transitions towards a more technological society, the function of libraries have been questioned. With technology as a more relevant source of communication and knowledge than libraries, these book invested buildings have been trying to stay effective and useful. With the use of laptops and gadgets, our world is starting to rely more on technology than libraries but that does not mean there should be a call for an end to libraries. Libraries should stay because they still serve purposes in society. Public libraries should serve the role of promoting a more connected society as well as decreasing the distance of class divisions through means of education. It should be understood that the world is indeed more technological and the Internet would be the better option than books in terms of education. Libraries have merely become “newfangled technology demo pits” where the purpose of a library is becoming lost (Source E). As Siegler has put it, the only reason most people in society don’t want an end to libraries is because they are “cultural touchstones” (Source E). However, despite the fact that society is becoming more digital, it is arguable that a technologically induced society does not take into account class division. In fact, the Pew …show more content…

This could mean that lower social class citizens will not have as much educational opportunities like the others since they would lack not only digital access to education but also physical access because library books will not longer be of existence to provide them with knowledge. This then widens social gaps and proves that while the Internet may be easier to access information than the library, social class divisions will potential rise. Thus, libraries are not losing its purpose and are possibly crucial more than ever to lessen the increasing social

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