Ap Us History Chapter 25 Questions And Answers

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1. Enumerate the sequence of major crises, beginning with the Kansas-Nebraska Act, that led up to secession, and explain the significance of each event? Uncle Tom's Cabin-composed in 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Stowe was an aboli-tionist who wrote this book to demonstrate the bad things that the slaves had to go through. This affected the way that northerners viewed slavery. It helped move along the cause of abolition and even Abraham Lincoln recognized that this book was one of the events that prompted the outbreak of the Civil War. Bleeding Kansas stunned Northerner Kansas-Nebraska Act was made in 1854 permitting the Kansas and Nebraska regions to choose for themselves using popular sovereignty if they wanted to be a free …show more content…

So "border ruffians" stormed into Kansas making violence on both sides of the issue and brought a lot of mayhem. 3. Trace the growing power of the Republican Party in the 1850s and the increasing domination of the Democratic Party by its militantly proslavery wing? Since the Republican Party has only been a thing for 2 years it has made a great showing for itself. The Republicans liked how they did in the election because they had 38% of the Electoral vote and 33.1% of the popular vote which is pretty good since they are new and they came in second place in the election. Also if you compare Fremont to Lincoln you can see that Lincoln was a much better presidential candidate by far. 4. Explain how the Dred Scott decision and John Brown’s Harpers Ferry raid deepened sectional antagonism? While the Dred Scott decision, which counted a slave as property could go with his mas-ter to a free state yet still remain a slave satisfied many southerners, it significantly upset the northerners. The Raid on Harper's Ferry by radical abolitionist, John Brown aggravated many southerners. The two situations made sharp divisions between the North and south and this lead to the Civil …show more content…

There was also a four-way campaign between Abe Lincoln who was a Re-publican, Stephen Douglas who was a Northern Democrat, John Breckinridge who was a South-ern Democrat, and John Bell who was a Constitutional Union. This two way Democrat split didn’t help that party at all because they had a better chance of winning if you are the only per-son from your party getting all the votes but in this case if they combined votes they would have won with one candidate. Lincoln won because he had most of the North on his side and some out