Ap World History Dbq Essay

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The lives of the Ancient World people were shaped by their region’s geography. Throughout the world, several different factors influenced the way that people adapted their lives and cultures. The Paleolithic Era, or Stone Age, was divided into three different periods: Old Stone Age, Middle Stone Age, and New Stone Age. Based on the information from the table, people in the Old Stone Age lived in caves, made their weapons from stone and wood, fished and hunted for food supply, and made their clothing out of animal skins (Doc 1). The people that lived during this time period did not know anything about agriculture, which is why they depended on fishing and hunting for as a source of nourishment. By the Middle Stone Age, people began to adapt to their surroundings. They began to domesticate animals like dogs and goats. The benefit of domestication brought milk and meat to farmers from goats, as well as helping with everyday tasks because of dogs that farm work and protection against other animals. As the New Stone Age began, people started learning how to farm, weave baskets, make clay pots, and plant fiber and …show more content…

Based on “Hymn of the Nile,” The Nile provided nourishment for cattle, a growth of wheat and barley, and a plentiful amount of fish (Doc 6). Ancient Egypt’s climate was arid and dry, which is why most civilizations surrounded the Nile. The Nile was the major water source as well as the longest river in the world. Despite the terrible climate for agriculture, the Nile supported crops like barley and wheat. Many of the people used the Nile as an irrigation system for their crops. The Nile also supplied people with a copious fish count, enough to have a sustained food supply. As well as the crops and fish, the people had cattle that they raised. All of the Ancient Egyptian food sources were dependent on the Nile. Having the advantage of the Nile helped the Ancient Egyptian people live and

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