Apathy In Albert Camus's The Stranger

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Jane Goodall was known to have said that “The greatest danger to our future was apathy”. Society has many negative perspectives on apathy, and on people with apathy. However, people often don’t consider the flaws in themselves, that can be considered as a detriment in modern society, which can be seen as extremely hypocritical. Apathy can regard to many aspects in society such as religion, relationships with others, or even not having the societally approved reactions to certain events in one’s life, such as death, anniversaries, and accomplishments. An analysis of literary elements and techniques present in Albert Camus’ novel, The Stranger, displays the idea that an individual’s indifference to religious norms often cause society to have a judgemental view on that person. Mersault has shown apathetic behavior many times in this novel, one of which was towards religion, and the idea of religion. This instance can be seen when Mersault is being questioned by the magistrate in regards to his killing of the Arab. The magistrate took out his crucifix while questioning Mersault, and goes on to talk about religion. “But, before I could get the words out, he had drawn himself up to his full height and was asking me very earnestly if I believed in God. When I said ‘No,’ he plumped down into his chair indignantly” (Camus 43). We can almost imagine the disappointment and the annoyance that the magistrate has with Camus’ word choice. During this conversation, we can see more