Apes And Hominids: A Comparative Analysis

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To look at yourself in the mirror today you become preoccupied with the materialistic aspects of your appearance. The color of your eyes, hair, and even the minute details like the shape of your earrings is all you really see. There's no deeper thinking as to where and why you look the way you do. Tracing our roots back to our ancestors there comes a question. “Have we evolved from apes or hominids?” To answer this question we are stuck at a crossroad. On one side there's the idea that our ancestors evolved from apes having factual evidence of sharing similar DNA. Where on the other side is the theory that we have more commonalities with hominids. Knowing this dilemma some historians argue we evolved from apes and align their studies to those focusing on our shared similarities. However the counter argument is much stronger. Through evidence from evolution and logical sense it's abundantly clear we have more in common with hominids. Evolution has provided humans with evidence linking humans to hominids based on skeletal structure, increased brain size, and bipedalism. All not …show more content…

Primates began to walk on the earth about 50-55 millions years ago, seeing drastically different terrain than what we experience today. During this time primates were not forced to deal with the harsh demands we face in the world currently, thus drawing our first difference. The first primates lived on an earth where the need to walk on two feet was unnecessary. Clearly giving the biggest reason as to why primates and humans share little in common. For today humans walk solely on two feet and adapt to the changing environmentally more quickly than primates. When primates could not adapt to the increasingly hotter terrain one by one species would die out. Giving another indication we are less like primates and more similar to