
Aphrodite's Relationship Essay

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For a while, he was okay with the fact that his mother only favored him because of his great strength. But as he grew older he saw more and more that his mother was just using him to get more worshipers. This angered him for he is the son of Anchises who was the royal from the family of Troy. As he got older as you can see get got more and more consented. This upset Aphrodite because she once had a great number of followers coming from him. But then for him to become so rude and tell people not to worship her. She wanted to punish him but she couldn’t find it inside her to harm her own child so she did something else. She replaced him and went out and gave birth to another son so that he could gain the favor of the people. So off she went to go have a child with one of the 12 …show more content…

As Aeneas let the baby go and left the home he heard a scream a scream like never before it was shrill and made his ears ring. Once he heard it he knew exactly whos scream it was why she was screaming and what had just been seen. It was his mother crying out for her now lost baby. Aphrodite so engulfed in the love that was given off by the child she was heartbroken. Aphrodite searched for 169 days and 170 nights looking for her lost child. But she never found him and on the 170 days she wept once more and gave up. She was heartbroken and Aeneas saw that in his mother. He knew what he did was wrong but he also knew he couldn't give the child back to his mother. So he told her to do something Aeneas told Aphrodite that she should make a path for him to come back home. With that Aphrodite’s heart swelled and did as her son recommended . Making a beautiful glowing colorful light that would only show up on the nights she looked for her child. For everyone of those 170 nights she would look all over to see if she could see her son Eros. Aeneas was deeply saddened that his mother was so

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