Apollo Belvede Research Paper

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In Greek mythology, Apollo Belvedere is arguably, the most important of the gods. He was one of the only 12 gods that lived on Mount Olympus. As described by Aristotle, the Greeks saw Apollo as the ultimate celebrity. Apollo, god of light, prophecy, and health, is recognized by three main features: his family, powers, and monuments. To begin with, Apollo was part of a crazy family. The Olympians had an innumerable amount of inter-family affairs, revenge stories, and jealousy. Apollo was one of the too many children of Zeus. Apollo’s mother was Leto, a young and charismatic woman, according to the “Theogony”. Apollo also has a twin sister. Her name is Artemis and she was known as the god of the wilderness, hunting, virginity, and childbirthing. Apollo had had four children: Asclepius (god of healing), Orpheus (legendary musician), Troilus, and Aristaeus (both heroes). The mothers of his children were the mortal Coronis and the nymphs, Cyrene and Daphne. It is important to know the relations of the family to be able to understand it. …show more content…

Apollo had the power to determine time and light, predict the future, and give or take away health. In some stories, he is credited for carrying the Sun with his four horses across the sky each day. According to “The Cyrene Apollo,” citizens prayed and honored Apollo to know the future and the truth. “Legend has it that no falso word ever fell from his lips, and he foretold the future with the same unerring accuracy as that of his arrows.” Apollo was also the Healer-god, who first taught men medicine and the art of healing, says the Hutchinson Encyclopedia. The most notorious use of his powers can be found in the Iliad, during the Trojan War. Apollo shot arrows infected with plague into a greek encampment. It can be used to heal, but also, as seen in the Iliad, to bring ill-health and deadly plague. This scene, in particular, reflects how Apollo’s power of health acts as a two-sided

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