Apostle James Acts 15-1 Summary

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NT2010 Week Four Devotional
Apostle James moves from speaking about saving faith to addressing living faith. It is here in Chapter 3, that Apostle James teaches and admonishes the early church on how living faith operates in the life of the believer and the need for self-control which is characteristic of the Holy Spirit’s work in the believer to bear fruit from the use of one’s speech.
Ideally, self-control can primarily be tested by one’s ability to use his/her tongue to speak life or death, blessings or cursing, truth or falsely into the ear of another. In Chapter 3, James’ emphasis is on the great importance for one to exercise control over his/her tongue. Apostle James is addressing an issue that was happening among the rich Jewish believers who were leaders in the early church and were the Spirit gifted elders in the first century church. …show more content…

Apostle James was the leader of the Jerusalem Council and after hearing Apostle Paul’s appeal to the council that the Gentiles should not have to adhere to the Jewish practices of the Mosaic Law (Acts 15:1), it was decided by Apostle James and other apostles and elders, with the whole church that the Gentiles who have turned to God be not troubled with words subverting their souls with circumcision and keeping the Law (Acts 15:19-24).
The assembly was on one accord and even sent representatives along with a letter detailing the council’s decision, to Antioch where the letter was read to the multitude and they rejoiced over the decision. This was a shining example of the wonder working power of God, the Holy Spirit, to change hearts and order the tongues of all who spoke to bring about an accord that would instill peace among all, Jew and Gentile