Apparition In Macbeth

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Kurzel depicts the witches to be significantly different than the play version, from their physical depiction to their abilities, along with the different apparitions seen by Macbeth. The first encounter with the witches is during a battle where Macbeth can be very vulnerable. That way they really take control of Macbeth, causing a disturbance within Macbeth. During the first battle scenes Macbeth is stopped with the sight of four witches in the distance staring him down as he stares back, with war and chaos all around him. These figures in the distance that Macbeth sees at the start of the film is a kind of foreshadowing that Macbeth is not alright. Ari Mattes describes them as more of visions instead of real physical people saying, “ They appear as little more than shallow hallucinations, tokens …show more content…

Again saying that Macbeth was already in complications with “Freedom”, “Will”, and “Guilt” making it easier to be controlled by the witches. The witches using different techniques to get into Macbeth’s head caused changes in the uses and meanings of the apparitions. There was a major change in the depiction of the apparitions from the play and the thoughts of Justin Kurzel. The apparitions can be seen in a different order that they are given and also each one is either slightly different or way different from the original play version. Since the film drifted off from the original plot of the play, this would cause things to change just as the apparitions did. Lane brings forward the ideas of change in vision and theme of the apparitions when he exerts, “ When a Film can find as thematically and visually ingenious a way to bring a forest to a battlefield as burning its mass ( a change from the play’s cutting and `carrying of the branches ), it stands to reason that none of its amendments leave gaps or insert extraneous material into the mix ” (Lane 1). Kurzel was able to make changes to the apparitions that would match his storyline and not leave any gaps in the