Apple And Ericson's Lawsuits

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The Internet revolution The revolution and growth of internet and technology has affected our everyday lives. The fact that we are becoming more and more dependent on technology has left most prominent and big companies in the industry in huge fights over the market and visibility by using many tricks. There has been a lot of lawsuits against most of these organizations in the Technology arena. In this discussion forum, I will talk about a case that happened, recently between Apple and Ericson (February 2015 to be precise) This is one of the many lawsuits that have been filed against Apple. Ericson which is a telecom equipment company was suing Apple for infringing on 41 cell phone and mobile related patents claiming that a lot of the conductivity that allows the high-speed networks that goes in the iPad and iPhone was being licensed out to apple. Ericson was also trying to block sales for iPhone’s and iPad’s in the United States market for Apple. During this time of the lawsuit there were many questions by interested parties wondering if it was possible that the sales of iPhone could really be blocked just because of these patent lawsuits by Ericson. I followed this story with great interest because I appreciate Apple a lot and like their products, so I watched news and read articles about this issue from the likes of CNBC, CNN, BBC and …show more content…

This is an advantage and a huge disadvantage for Apple, the fact that the market favours Apple also makes it huger and an almost untouchable competitor to its peers. Most of the patent lawsuits it received were quite frivolous and most of the times there to hinder innovation. I am against these lawsuits as they also serve just to fatten the trial lawyers in such cases. I have a feeling there will be more and similar cases like these in the future with Apple pushing to have patent reform in the United

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