Case Study Of Apple Inc.'s Diversification Strategy

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Apple Inc. embraces diversification strategy as a means of promoting its viability in the market. Largely, the creation of the three products lines compounds the sources of the company’s income. In fact, the company does not rely on a single source of income because the product design belongs to different categories. This strategy cushions the business from suffering risks of associated with depending on a single business. According Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson (2014, p.135), the benefit of handling many products is that when one product fail or does poorly in the market, the business is would shift its attention of the best performing products.
Apple Inc. runs a mobile device business that largely dominates the mobile phone industry. The …show more content…

The presence of the numerous electronic suppliers in the electronic industry is a big threat to the existence of Apple Inc. These suppliers exert their presence in the market by aggressively marketing or supplying the products of rival companies. Apple Inc. strategy to beating powerful suppliers borders on the characteristic of its business model (Noren 2013). The fits into the distribution channel as a wholesaler. In this model, the company sells its products or distributes its products to retailers. Largely, the entry of the company into the distribution channels has limited the threat of major or powerful suppliers. The company has created its own retail stores and online web marketing. This approach aims at capturing the consumers that would want to order the product directly from the manufacturer. In fact, the online marketing model does not only enable the firm to sell directly to the respective consumer, but also enables the firm to identify the unique needs of the consumers. The direct link between the consumers and the company is critical to continuous growth of the company. Apple Inc. strives to limit the time between ordering for the goods and receipt of the same. Normally, long distribution channels do not only influence the pricing of the products, but also the time when the consumers receive the product. Apple Inc. commands a great power in the market because it has differentiated …show more content…

has millions of buyers and the company continues to woe more consumers to buy its products. The threat to buyers is not a big concern to Apple Inc. The competition on this area falls on the pricing system and differentiation of products to meet the unique needs of the consumers. The move to differentiate the products of the company aimed at addressing the diverse needs of the consumers (Bergvall-Kareborn and Howcroft 2013, p.280). Normally, consumers have unique needs that are not similar all the times. Therefore, the company must develop products that can address the unique concerns of the consumers. Evidently, Apple Inc. has been successful in the creating variety of products. However, pricing of the Apple Inc. products tend to limit the ability of buyers to purchase the products. While the company might justify the price of the products, setting the prices too high limits the ability of the willing buyer to purchase the

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