Apple Unethical And Inhumane Labor Practices

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Apple began in the garage owned by former passed CEO Steve Jobs. According to press information, the ending fourth quarter of 2013 with a quarterly revenue of $37.5 billion and a net profit of $7.5 billion. The company sold 33.8 million IPhones and 14.1 million IPads. Today the Apple brand is worth over $600 billion dollars. This makes it the most valued brand of electronics globally known. Among the many companies creating and vending electronics to consumers, Apple is “frequently cited as the poster-child of companies partnering with factories in China that are engaged in unethical and inhumane labor practices.’ ( In 2011 Apple was a part of issues concerning working conditions of its overseas factory workers. …show more content…

From students to parents these particular employees are working twelve or more hour shifts with a two hour break in between. A plate of rice and meat cost employees about seventy cents. For those who eat fast try to catch some sleep before its time to begin the second half six hour shift. After those long twelve hour shifts at appx. Two dollars an hour, most of Foxconn employees go home to an overcrowded dorm of seven people. The dormitory is equipped with restaurants, swimming pools and computer labs, workers are unable to enjoy those things because of long work hours. In a three month span in the spring of 2010, Foxconn plants throughout China was breaking news. When working conditions became intolerable, week after week workers would make their way up to the top of the factory building and jump to a suicidal death. Within three months, nine workers committed suicide. Totaling 18 employees killing themselves. It took Apple and Foxconn several months and several suicides before action was …show more content…

Shortly after joining. The FLA performed an audit on Foxconn on thousands of workers. The audit surfaced fifty code violations. Among the violations was the issue of poor health and safety and issues pertaining to overtime hours and pay. According to FLA’s worker survey, 64 percent of employees said that "compensation does not meet their basic needs." FLA said it will conduct a cost of living study in Shenzhen and Chengdu to assist Foxconn in determining whether worker salaries meet FLA requirements for basic needs, as well as discretionary income. (Hyatt,

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