Apple Vertical Integration Essay

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Apple is very good in integration of its products, Over the period of time Apple has kept the strategy of vertical integration so that products of apple are compatible to each other irrespective of you are using one product or other. For example all the products be it a PC, I phone or ipad are comparable, compatible in many ways of operating system, Features, Hardware, other software applications hence the user feels very comfortable using apple products. Apple does very good in Research and development hence their products are superior to other products. Apple is very good at Innovation of it’s software and hardware and the internal organization of apple is so designed that it sees the overall profit to the organization and not unit wise …show more content…

They secured a position in the MP3 market that no other competitor could match. It became a cool gadget to have for young people, and it was getting much more popular worldwide. The iPod had better hardware design and better functionality than most of its competitors, and it was being sold at a comparable price. The quality and capability of the iPod surpassed that of its competitors and Apple soon came out with new generations that out performed its previous model by coming with video players also. By 2010 Apple’s share in music player market went up to 70%. , the iPod alone was not enough to keep the competitive advantage. It was iTunes which allowed users to purchase and save their music in any computer they choose and download to any Apple product. Apple already had a market size advantage, iPod users are unlikely to switch to other portable music players because of the content available from iTunes and also till no one comes up with a product that can compete with iPod in both the hardware and the content store, Apple will keep its competitive advantage. Considering these facts and the reality that Apple has developed other products such as the iPhone and iPad which allow you to use the same music interface and store, they will continue to be the leader in MP3

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