Application Essay To The National FFA Organization

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All I have ever been known for is anything in association to agriculture. Growing up, I have always enjoyed the great outdoors. For as long as I can remember, I have been hunting and fishing and growing my agricultural knowledge through at home lessons and now the National FFA Organization. I have been raised in a family whose main hobbies are hunting and fishing; now they are my most passionate activities. I felt the thrill of hunting at a young age. I am constantly at the deer lease throughout the year, hunting season or not. I have built up interests in more hunting techniques for different animals throughout the years. Every year, I participate in multiple seasons that include dove season, duck season, deer season - bow and rifle season …show more content…

I have many prized trophies I have shot from several different species of animals. When it’s not hunting season and any I receive a break from working during the warmer months, I hook up to the boat and spend my days at the lake. I have developed my own techniques over the years but am always open to trying new things; although I prefer to stick to what I know will get me the fish I want. I have also taken fishing trips to the Frio River for fishing early in the Spring for a couple years. Everyone knows the passion I have for these hobbies, hardly ever am I known to miss a good day for either sport. Since I was in elementary, I have participated in livestock shows through the local 4-H club raising commercial heifers and steers for several years. But all that time and dedication ago, I did not expect to exhibit for so many years into my future. Neither did I imagine I would be have taken on the challenges and leadership roles I have been audacious enough to face. The National FFA Organization is the most prideful youth-led organization I am a part of. I entered the FFA through the Diboll FFA Chapter my freshman year and am thankful for all of the opportunities and experiences I have received. I have

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