
Application Essay To The Spanish III Class

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Since I can remember, world cultures have always been something that completely fascinated me. Learning about diversities between societies of different geological locations has always been something I admired and took complete pride in having been educated of. At a time when I was a much younger girl, I remember expeditiously asking my dad masses of questions about a stretch of time he spent in the Philippines. He told me everything he could remember, from bits of the language to dissimilar everyday etiquette that is custom to the country. Those customs and traditions have always stuck with me, as I marvel the contrast between the life that is ordinary to me and a life that is ordinary for someone around the world.
Entering the fifth grade, I happened upon a series of events that helped specify my passion for culture. I began attending a new school and everyone knows that with a new school comes an entirely new group of people that become part of your life. One day, early in the year, I remember seeing a group of kids at lunch, all sitting together, and all communicating through hand …show more content…

I am presently an active student in my Spanish III class, maintaining a 98.03 percent, and intend to develop my knowledge of the Spanish language more in depth as well by continuing in advancing classes. Spanish is a language that I have always been exposed to in my community, as a large population of my city has Latin roots. Besides Spanish class, I have also involved myself in Cultural Conspiracy, Student Ambassadors, and the school newspaper. All of these clubs initiate engagement between students and the community within the school and without. I withhold a large sense of dignity as a member of these organizations because I have and utilize the ability to reach out to the students and citizens around

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