Applying For The Degree At Nova School Of Business And Economics

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With this letter I hereby wish to apply and state my motivation for entrance in the Masters in Finance Program at Nova School of Business and Economics for the 2017/2018 academic year. I have elected Nova School of Business and Economics as my first choice to complete my academic journey, due to the program’s outstanding employability, practical approach, and the opportunity to have a first-hand contact with several financial institutions and corporations, so that I am able to pave my way to a successful career in investment banking. It is easy to develop an apetite for a career in finance after being mesmerized by the speech and countenance of freshly-graduated associates in polished suits at university recruiting events and job fairs, where dreamy-eyed undergraduates are propelled to put forth an application in hopes of attaining success and status in a prestigious field of work. As for me, it has been a life-long case of true love. Since I was young I have been passionate about finance and the way companies operate. I aspire to work in a challenging and ever-changing environment, but also to be part of an indispensable service provided to the economy. Not only are banks and other financial intermediaries relevant to all business in a major way, but they also sit at the very core of our society’s structure, providing fundamental products and services to communities and businesses alike.

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