
April Raintree Quotes

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In “April Raintree”, published by Beatrice Culleton, it explores the difficulties, and identity struggles faced by two indigenous sisters. In this essay, you will read about how societal pressure affects choices in life for Cheryl Raintree (the protagonist's sister). Throughout the story, Cheryl suffered many traumatic events that not only affected her, but changed her. In addition, the following paragraphs will show evidence of how societal pressure affected Cheryl’s choices in life. To begin with, Cheryl experienced a lot of adversity as a child. She suffered many battles that were evident from the start of the book. Growing up, her parents were extreme alcoholics. They would eat, drink and sleep for a living. Due to this Cheryl, and her older sister April would …show more content…

There is evidence of this, when Cheryl, and the protagonist get into a huge fight. April, Cheryl's older sister, saw that Cheryl was super drunk, and tried pouring her liquor down the drain, to help her. However, it would backfire on her. Cheryl would hit her sister, and reach for the bottle of alcohol again. This is shown on page 64. “Tears blurred my vision as I watched Cheryl for the bottle again, stop it Cheryl!” The following quote demonstrated how much trauma Cheryl went through, and how she always had to go straight to drinking to solve her problems. If Cheryl's parents didn't drink all night and day. Her, and her sister, would not have been separated into foster homes, creating more trauma for Cheryl. To delve deeper into this multifaceted topic, let us now turn our attention to another crucial aspect. Racism and discrimination is everywhere. At school, in sports, even at home. For Cheryl, it started when she was little. Her sister and I would go to the park just to have a great time. However at the park, the “fair skinned” children would call Cheryl names and not wanting to play with her, due to her being

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