April Raintree Rape Quotes

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The novel In Search of April Raintree by Beatrice Culleton Mosionier tells a story of two young Metis girls sent into a life of constant battle between themselves and the people involved in their lives. April Raintree faces one of her biggest battles when she's sexually assaulted by three men. After reading this chapter of her rape the question of should or shouldn't sexual assault scenes be told in novels, this becomes something that leaves many people unsure of their own answer.

There are people who will answer without a doubt that they feel rape scenes should remain in books, sexual assault is a common wrote about thing in books. These scenes may make you feel uncomfortable or disgusted, but without theses assaults scenes readers can argue that you can't truly understand what these characters actually experienced. The rape scene in the book In Search of April Raintree, April cries “Oh, God, I want to live. This isn't the way i want to die. This isn't my moment to die.” (p.140) with this statement readers feel her …show more content…

After reading this chapter of her rape the question of should or shouldn't sexual assault scenes be told in novels, there is two sides to this argument. People who think it should, because having these scenes in book could give the reader a better understanding of what it felt like, and could even give victims the support they need to be speak out. Then there's a group that think it shouldn't, because that argument means nothing because rape victims who read these stories will only be offend by them and trigger their emotions they have not let out, and that having these sexual assaults only make the assault more and more socially acceptable. These arguments make it clear that sexual assault scenes should not be in books, because they are less effective when nobody