Political 1) Oliver Cromwell was the Independent Puritan who lead his followers in the Commons against the Parliament during Britain’s Civil War. This would lead to the execution of Charles I, Cromwell’s rise to master of England, and the establishment of the new “Rump” Parliament that would soon rule to republic. 2) 1635 – The Edict of Restitution was the decree Ferdinand II suspended, which granted amnesty for all but Frederick of Palatinate and a few Bohemian rebels. This suspension was established so Ferdinand could gain the Protestant princes’ assistance in driving out the Swedes during the Fourth Phase of the Thirty Years’ War 3) 1631 – The French enlisted the help of Gustavus Adolphus, who was a Swedish general that invaded the Hapsburg …show more content…
This army eventually won a major victory at Naseby in 1645, and a year later Charles I finally surrendered. 5) 1621 – Albrecht von Wallenstein was a minor Bohemian nobleman and remarkable opportunist who became the one of the richest men in the empire. This happened when he rose a new imperial army when the truce between the Spaniards and the Dutch expired in the Second Phase of the Thirty Years’ …show more content…
This will lead to his discovery of the three laws of planetary motion that explained how the planets moved and why they looked how they do in the sky. 4) Galileo Galilei was an astronomer whose studies would reveal the importance to astronomy not only of observation and mathematics but also of physics. His self-consciousness about technique, argument, and evidence would make him one of the first investigators of nature to approach his work in the same way as a modern scientist. 5) Francis Bacon was one of science’s greatest propagandists, and he inspired an entire generation with his vision of what scientific inquiry could do for humanity. With his scientific reasoning, philosophies, methods, and views of science as the savior of the human race, he will provide the spark that will bring the English Scientific Revolution into existence. Artistic 1) Peter Paul Rubens was an artist that was also the principal ornament of the brilliant Hapsburg court at Brussels. His major themes typified the grandeur that came to be the hallmark of Baroque style: glorifications of great rulers also of the ceremony and mystery of