
Aqualism In Early America

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There is the new “ism” on the block and is the true culprit responsible for the deep-divide between the haves and have-nots in today’s society. It looks to remain anonymous, unnoticed and to hide in the shadows cast by racism and other forms of discrimination to avoid exposure. It uses media and propaganda to keep poor minorities fighting against one another and keeps their hate and anger for being locked out of the American dream focused on each other and away from the true problem plaguing society, Classism. To breakdown the topic of classism, we will first breakdown the word classism.
Merriam Webster defines class as a group sharing the same economic or social status. Ism is defined as a suffix that indicates action, manner, condition, beliefs or prejudice.
So what is classism? Classism is a form of discrimination that gets overlooked and it’s victim’s voices, more often then not, go unheard.
“Classism is when someone is treated differently—better or worse—because of their class (or perceived class). Classism is similar in many ways to racism, sexism, heterosexism and other forms of oppression. It can appear individually through attitudes and behavior.” It also rears its ugly head institutionally through …show more content…

In early America, wealthy landowners had the say in how the government was run. The lower class majority was looked down upon and treated as second-class citizens. The concept of the backbreaking labor that once helped to establish the countries greatness was becoming a less desirable form of employment for better off individuals. As a result slavery was introduced and accepted in society. Slavery is often looked at as solely a racist occurrence but in fact it also was a major example of classism as well. Even in the present, the lower class doesn’t have the same advantages as the upper class or wealthy class. In America, the rich or upper class have always enjoyed advantages that lower classes

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