Arcangelo Corelli Research Paper

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During the past decades, music had been essential in human life. Throughout the years music had evolved through it. Classical music had have been existing for a lifetime, during the Baroque Era (1600-1750), exceptional composers were developed. Two of the most famous composers of this era, who changed the world of classical music are; Arcangelo Corelli and Antonio Vivaldi, both Italian composers. Arcangelo Corelli was born on February 17th, 1653, Fusignano, Italy. Named Arcangelo after his father, who died weeks before his birth. Besides, he was the fifth of fourth elder siblings. He was a violinist, composer, and a teacher, better known as “Founder of Modern Violin Technique”, “the World First Great Violinist “, and as the “ Father of the Concerto Grosso”. Among many of his students, he was teacher of Frederick Handel and Antonio Vivaldi. He learned music from Giovanni Battista Bassani and composition from Matteo Simonelli. …show more content…

Some of his most famous pieces are: "Sonata for Violin and Lute" (1677 his first composition), and "12 Trio Sonatas for Two Violins and Cello, with Organ Basso Continuo. Furthermore, he was also known as the first composer who wrote music in major and minor tonalities. Thereby most of his music was composed to be played on string instruments. He began as a third violinist in the orchestra of the chapel of San Luigui dei Francesi, Rome, then he happened to be the second violinist and in short years later, Corelli was the conducted of an orchestra of 150 string instruments. He died at the age of sixty in Rome, and unfortunately he couldn't see the publication of his Sonata Opus 6 of 12 concerti gross that was published in Amsterdam, Netherlands a year after his