History and monsters go hand in hand. From Greek and Roman mythology,through medieval times, and in religious texts, monsters have been created and personified. Religions have inspired many stories, which are the breeding grounds for monsters. In the poem by John Milton “Paradise Lost” the author demonstrates the notions of good and evil with characters such as Satan, Sin, Death, as well as Adam & Eve. These figures embody the nature of sin and fit the description for a stereo-typical monster. The poem presents the struggle beings face between free will and intervention from divine beings. But who is truly the monster: the one who creates the opportunity for sin, or the one who commits it? Using primary and secondary sources such as “Paradise …show more content…
Women are represented in a variety of ways, but one way they are represented is through the archetype of an “angel”. This archetype emphasizes selflessness, empathy, passivity, and honesty. Throughout history, this idea has been portrayed in various texts. For centuries women have been prayed to, looked up to, and worshiped. This may not be the case for all women, but the idea that women are heroes is an idea that still lives today.These religious texts perpurate the idea of women as heroes and a redeeming quality in society, and even today many look up to and respect …show more content…
Women have been viewed as evil by men for many reasons. Some believe women seduce and tempt men for evil reasons. Women use their body and their image of being beautiful creatures to tempt men into doing what they want and to gain power over them. While some believe women have evil intentions, others view women’s bodies as temples of horror and evil. From historical texts to recent horror movies such as “The Brood”, the womb is a birthing ground for evil beings. This idea is backed by“Woman as the Monstrous Womb” from The Monster-Feminine by Barbara Creed. In the story, Creed argues that the female body being depicted as monstrous reflects the fears of men in society and their goal to seek control and dominate women. Monsters are created by the fear and mysteries of the unknown, and men view women as unknown because they're a different sex. Creed suggests that the womb becomes a site of horror and terror because it is a place where creation and reproduction occurs, which could create problems in