Are Graphic Novels Appropriate Reading For An English Course?

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Mehdi Charioui Professor Chaundra Castilla English 111 23 June 2015 Are comics (graphic novels) appropriate reading for an English course? Not so long ago graphic novels were looked down upon by the literary community. They were considered childish and not worthy enough for academic use. However overtime, acceptance for graphic novels has grown exponentially and now teachers throughout the united states use them in their classrooms. It has been shown that graphic novels encourage students to read rather than stray away from it and consider it boring. I believe graphic novels carry powerful storytelling and imagery that can be introduced to any classroom or curriculum and help encourage students to read, appreciate creativity, …show more content…

Though they see the words and understand what the words mean, they cannot process the information into a image and put all the pieces together to understand the author's intent. Also to students with a learning disability it becomes far more comprehensible when they are given more information (illustration) to help understand the text. Also graphic novels teach younger students new words and how to associate them properly. If a character in the comic thinks or speaks a word, the panel gives the reader a depiction of that word through an object of some sort or a feeling/emotion. consequently, a student becomes more advanced in their language all thanks to graphic novels. As we know graphic novels/comics are composed of types of illustration, balancing visual and texts to create a different experience for the reader. This I believe is a graphic novels advantage over other types of literature. Instead of the author's message depending on only words to tell the story, graphic novels use illustration to help carry the author's message to make sure the point is getting across perfectly. With the ability to see exactly what the author intended this results in an intimate, emotional connection between the reader and characters of the comics

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