Are People Happy In The Great Gatsby

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When people hear the term “Gatsby-esque”, automatically they think of luxury and elegance. They think of how he has the perfect life because of all of this money. What they do not think about is his true feelings despite the happy face he puts on. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses extravagant wealth to demonstrate that people are not as happy as they seem in The Great Gatsby. Through Gatsby's parties and Daisy's wealth the theme, people are not as happy as they seem, is well conveyed
Part of the reason why Gatsby is so great is because of is prodigality. Even though he throws all these parties, he is not completely satisfied deep down. Gatsby’s true feelings are showed various times throughout the book, especially because of Daisy. “An hour later …show more content…

For some people it is quite easy to put on a fake smile to face the public, especially in front of friends. “The telephone rang inside, startlingly, and as Daisy shook her head decisively at Tom the subject of the stables, in fact all subjects, vanished into air.” (Fitzgerald 32). Prior to this incident, Tom was on the phone with his lover Myrtle, and it interrupted their dinner. Daisy chose to be strong and act like nothing happened by brushing it off and mentioning the romance at a place. The fake happiness did not last for long because he was interrupted by a second call and this especially shows Daisy’s feeling with the line “vanished into air”. There gets to be a certain point where one can not handle it anymore and Daisy shows that breakdown while with Gatsby and Nick.
“While we admired he [Gatsby] brought more and the soft rich heap mounted higher -- shirts with stripes and scrolls and plaids in coral and apple-green and lavender and faint orange, and monograms of Indian blue. Suddenly, with a strained sound, Daisy bent her head into the shirts and began to cry stormily,” (Fitzgerald