Are The Facts, Info And Characteristics Of Honey Bees Like Human Behavior

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If you have ever been in a swarm of bees, then you know that it is not a place you wish to be. Bees become protective and defensive when they feel threatened. Bee behavior is very much like human behavior in society. The hives that bees live in, work and function very much like a community. Bees are social creatures who live within colonies with a queen, thousands of worker bees, and a few male drones used for reproduction. In this colony, queen bees are the only one who are allowed to reproduce with the male drones. Male drones are born in the spring and die in the autumn. Their lifespan is not expected to be long, as they are born, mature to reproduce, then die (Honey Bee Behavior: Facts, Info & Characteristics of Honey Bees”, pg 1). “Honey

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