
Are We Really Free By Neil Bolson

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Are We Really Free What’s the definition of freedom? People would say it’s doing whatever you would like. Freedom is defined in so many different ways, but civil freedom is only defined in the sense that you can do whatever pleases you, but you cannot hurt anybody in the proses. That civil freedom, or liberty is used by the government to define our freedom in the United States. I believe that the government gives us so much freedom, but with restrictions. Even the fundamentals of life are limited to us. Food, land, and water is sold to us, when long before there was a government we could have picked and taken what we wanted. Our education comes to play in the sense of how we are thought, and how we are made to learn. So are we really free, …show more content…

The name of the article is 8 Reasons Why America is and Always Will Be the Best Damn Country in the World. In his article, Niel raves and explains his reasoning on why America is a great country. He gets to freedom in the United States. He explains how we have “issues, and we are constantly fretting… is being taken away by the NSA or BushObama.” He then says that America is the best county, because “we’re free, because we say we’re free”. (Bulson 4th Scrolled Down) Bulson, also says in his article that “we let things slide”, that “our freedom might get browsed from time to time” but that “we are the only country that has full freedom of speech”.( 4th scrolled Down). Yet in Heather’s article the “10 Countries with the Most Freedom of speech”, the United States is ranked 5 of the 10, with New Zealand being the first. I strongly disagree with Bulson, in all his essay. He talks about how the United States, is diverse, how we have and are wining wars, and how we are so great because everyone hates us. Bulson also bring in his essay how we are the only country that have the flag on the moon. I disagree with Bulson, because, even though we are so diverse with different back grounds, and from different countries, we are still driving out people who would like a better life for themselves and their families. Yes we might win wars, but were creating destruction, death, and hatred toward

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