Are You Ready To Vote Essay

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“Are you ready “ Are you 18 years old or older? Are you ready for the 2017 presidential Inauguration? Have you registered to vote yet? These are all questions that you should stop to ask yourself. Why? Because your future and life depend on who is elected as the president of the United States for the next four years. If you have answered no to at least 3 out of the 2 questions there is still time to register and do research on the candidates that are running for president. As a young adult ranging from the ages of 16-18 years old there are varies of reasons why it is wise to know the importance of the voting process and whom to vote for. In order to be prepared to register to vote and onto the next step it is important to be taught about voting intensively while in school. I believe that if young adults are taught ahead of time about the importance of voting they will be able to make good voting decisions on candidates. I also strongly believe that if they are taught about voting ahead of time they will have more of an interest and will participate in the voting process. This is the first reason on why I think it is important for young …show more content…

As the future leaders of tomorrow I would say that it is our duty to make sure that we participate in the voting process. In order to continue receiving Pell grants, TOPS and other government funding’s to pay for college we need to have proper voting knowledge .Which as I stated before is learning how to vote ahead of time while in school and learning the importance of the process. As young adults from the ages of 18-24 years old we make up about 20% of the voting rate. With the proper voting knowledge as the ones that I have stated previously, together we can become the empowered

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