Ares's Fight With Hercules

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Ares's fight with Hercules was the most popular myth. cults of ares are found mainly in crete and the Peloponnese where the militaristic Spartans honored him. ares appears in what one might call bit parts, overshadowed by heroes or other gods and in many battle scenes in greek mythology. in the illiad ares is wounded treated and returns to the fray. there was a myth in the story about Cadmus and the founding of thebes. the dragon that guarded the spring near where Cadmus was to build the new city was either the servant of ares or an offspring. the myth was that for slaying the dragon Cadmus had to pay homage to ares for eight years. asdf;lkjasdf;lkjsadf;ksjadf;lskajdf asd;fkjsadf;lkjasdf;lkjsadf;lkjsad;lfkjsda asd;flkjsad;flkjasd;lfkjasd;lkjsa;ldkj;asddf