This article is about the UK’s abortion providers having anti-abortion protestors surrounding their buildings protesting against abortion (Forbes). Some of these protestors were even getting aggressive to the patients leaving the building even if they had a kid with them and its quoted in the article that “Women felt it was an invasion of healthcare privacy” (Forbes). The article also mentions how the women didn’t care who was outside the building like what group or anything it was the presence that bothered them so much (Forbes). This is true for myself too because when I go to planned parenthood to get my birth control I have been harassed mostly by men protesting and had one knock on my car, which I threatened to call the police and …show more content…
Related to a video in an opposite way does sound odd, but I think it would give people that are protesting against abortions trying to make it illegal again a look back on what it was like when abortion was illegal. This movie let women that had abortions when it was illegal a chance to tell their stories, and almost everyone of these stories the women abortion was completely unsafe and it’s mentioned that the healthcare providers many weren’t against abortions they were just afraid of risking their jobs (When Abortion Was Illegal: Untold Stories). Abortion was illegal before and it obviously didn’t work out because women were risking their lives to get abortions. Many protestors need to take the time to look into why some women get abortions before they decided to protest, because the people I have met that are against abortion aren’t knowledgeable in these aspects so I personally believe have no right to protest until they are. One would think to protect healthcare privacy since the HIPAA Privacy Rule does exist there would be a law against protesting on or near any health care providing facility. Some day I hope a law like this gets put into