Argument Against Abortion Is Murder

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bortion can be defined as the deliberate causing of the death of a fetus, either by directly killing it or by causing its expulsion from the womb before it is "viable." With "the killing of an innocent human being without his/her consent is murder" and "abortion is the killing of an innocent human being without his/her consent" are premises to an argument with a conclusion of "Abortion is murder." Lets break down the first premise. This premise is correct by saying that it is not right to murder somebody without his/her consent. But one has to rebut the phrase human being. When talking about the abortion issue many distinguish between the phrases human being and persons. Human being, in a moral sense is a "full-fledged member of the moral community"(198). One could not say that a fetus is a human being because of the fact that it is not a full-fledged …show more content…

It is living inside a woman, which it has minimal rights, but has a right to life.

The second premise hightens the first by saying that it abortion is the killing of a human being without consent. Of course you can say this because a fetus is cannot consent and say, "kill me because I will have no chance to survive". This is a very touchy subject because it brings back the point about what is a human being. A moral community in which a human being belongs is one that has rights and privileges. Does a fetus have a common sense to make a judgement on the killing of him or herself. I don 't think it does so therefore the conclusion is wrong by saying abortion is murder. If murder is killing an innocent human being, then abortion is not murder. It is not murder because of the fact that there is a distinction between human being and person. The doctor is not murdering a human being because