Argument On Imperialism

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Imperialism is the practice of powerful nations attempting to acquire control over lesser nations; typically, imperialism revolves around expanding or upholding influence. Historically, in The United States, an imperialistic mindset is perceivable in the popular concept of manifest destiny. Again, in 1823, The United States seeks to exude international influence in publishing The Monroe Doctrine. This document is later used as reasoning to invade territories. Evidently, imperialism was intertwined within the mindsets of many Americans. The idea of growing a continental nation expanded into international affairs. With The United States becoming involved in over-seas empires, imperialism became a topic of controversy. Arguments for expansion …show more content…

Carnegie’s ideas centered on the importance of internal advances. Roosevelt, who was a supporter of imperialism, even stated, “a nation's first duty is within its own borders.” Carnegie questioned whether America, “Is . . . to exchange internal growth and advancement for the development of external possessions which can never be really hers?” The argument largely centered on upholding the quality of life in America. Accordingly, Carnegie wrote, “The luxuries of the masses in other lands are the necessaries of life in ours.” By avoiding the lure of imperialism, “(America is) impregnable against serious attack,” and can focus on its own internal advancement. Twain’s argument against imperialism differs strongly from the ideas of Carnegie. Twain views imperialism as contradictory to America’s core values. The Anti-Imperialist League uses democracy, or the concept of people holding the power, to assert, “that a government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.” Twain claims, “There must be two Americas: one that sets the captive free, and one that takes a once captive's new freedom away from him.” Like the Anti-Imperialist League, Twain believes imperialism infringes upon the rights America claims to give individuals. America, according to Twain, “kills him to get his land.” The act of conquering nations removes the power from the people; America has no consent to govern