Argumentative Essay: A Defense Of Abortion

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Abortion is deliberately ending or ‘terminating’ a pregnancy, also known as “termination of pregnancy.” About half of all pregnancies are unintended. Of these unintended pregnancies, 22% chose the route of abortion instead of saving the fetuses. According to the textbook, abortions due to injury or birth defect is called a spontaneous abortion or simply, a miscarriage. The intention termination of a pregnancy through surgery or medication is also known as an induced abortion or just simply as an abortion. Facts from the textbook state that over 50% of abortions are from women in their twenties, and women who has one or more children are responsible for 61% of abortions. According to the textbook, in 2008, 1.21 million women chose to get abortions performed. Women’s reasons vary from life changing to not being able to afford a baby to not wanting to be a …show more content…

She believes that all persons have the right to life, but some people do not have the right to life than other. In this case, for example, people who come into existence due to rape have less of a right to life. Thomson argues that women have a right to decide what happen with their body. She states that no person is morally required to make sacrifices, in health, in all other aspects and concerns, in commitments and duties, for nine months, in order to keep another person alive within themselves. Thomson states the emendation is “the right of life entails not in the right not to be killed, but rather in the right not to be killed unjustly.” She argues that abortion is not impermissible, but she does not argue that it is always permissible. It is said that a very early abortion is not the killing of a

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