Argumentative Essay About School Shootings

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Addi Saxton
Argumentative Paper
Mr. Andreson

Many highschool students have faced the distressing reality in today's world on school shootings. As a student in highschool this subject is very close to my heart because I know someone who was in a school shooting but also it leaves me feeling vulnerable and demanding for action. This essay will be about the reasons for school shootings, outcomes, and to prevent such tragedies. After understanding all of this we can figure out how we can work towards making schools safer for us and for the future generations.
What is a school shooting?
A school shooting is where innocent lives are in danger because of another student or former student that is using a gun. School shootings are rare but have …show more content…

Many of the suspects have depression, anxiety, and could have a history of trauma. Knowing that their mental health is one of the reasons brings attention to mental health awareness and how big of a problem it is and needs more attention to it. One big cause of school shootings are bullies, as a young kid getting picked on and starts to get mad will turn to a weapon thinking they could threaten the bully or sadly make them go away. Anyone could help with bullying by just sticking up for the kid or going to get help to stop the bullying before it goes too far. Another cause of school shootings is very sad. It's how easy it is for kids to have access to firearms, to prevent grown adults from taking responsibility and having a safe in the house and not letting the kids know the …show more content…

First is bringing attention to mental health. There are many ways to help with mental health as an individual like having set goals or exercising or having good relationships with others. As a school what they can do to help provide a supporter like a counselor or make more outdoor classes or put a stop to bullying. Second way to help put a stop to school shootings is firearm control. I understand that a lot of people want a weapon in their homes in case of emergencies but there needs to be a requirement to have a firearm in the house. For example if someone wants a firearm they need to have a safe to put it in so we know that it won't get in the wrong person's hands. Think about how many lives would be safe if grown adults were responsible with their firearms and kept them out of reach from young adults. Third way to help is to teach students how to act during the situation of a school shooting. Every school in the U.S could do monthly drills to teach students where to go and what to do to help prepare them if a school shooting happens so there is not much panicking and the school can be in control when the situation