Torture is often seen as a form of cruel and unusual punishment due to inhumane techniques used such as waterboarding. Used by the Bush administration, waterboarding has been a statistically ineffective form of obtaining information from prisoners. Many people such as President Trump, swear by the technique being effective. There has been a long debate whether waterboarding as a technique was legal due to its medieval and antiquated from of interrogation. The psychological damage may compromise the information as well as the source since the technique may cause death. Torture to get information is wrong. It compromises the information and the life of an individual. Waterboarding is described as perpetrators laying their subject on an angled …show more content…
The way waterboarding works as an unusual way of traditional measure of obtaining information. Drowning and attempted drowning is often punished in traditional courts. Traditional court requires a trial and proceedings which under case law have established a fair way to get to the truth and accurate information. Which has more success than torturing another human being. Waterboarding is just an unusual punishment used to create pain for an individual. It becomes messy when politics get involved as …show more content…
There is no precision in his words and he does not refer to issues like waterboarding by name. There is a lot of vagueness in the amendments as well. The Eighth amendment just says it prohibits cruel and unusual punishments but it never states those clearly. Halpern (2014) describes this as a way that meanings can be changed. Waterboarding can be considered a legal practice although it has already been labeled as illegal. Due to the ambiguity laws and amendments have, judges and lawyers are able to change the meaning the original writer intended. Equivocation as Halpern describes happens when the meaning of a word can be changed through context and language. Trump also does this when he is backed into a corner during interviews. When questioned whether Waterboarding works he diverts and changes the meaning of the question and stating it as a fact. He uses his own facts even if they are