
Wrath Yatra In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath

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“If I had received good instruction as a child I would be with my family today and at peace with my neighbors. I hope and pray that all you parents in the sound of my voice will train up your children in the way they should go.” ― Charles Portis, True Grit Why do children persistently erode and diminish gradually and fill their journey (Yatra) with wrath? John Hunter - a British physician, had a bad temper. This proved prophetic when once; he got into a heated argument, walked out and dropped dead. The idea of narrating this incident is to share the outcome, the ‘full and final’ gist of this dangerous journey what I titled as Wrath Yatra. Transitioning into young adults brings a sea of changes. All children have to undergo and face its perils. …show more content…

In boys, it is the time for testicular development, and in girls, it’s the onset of menarche and breast development. When a young teen experiences these dramatic physical and emotional upheavals he gets worried. He starts to question his own identity. He isolates himself and feels the burden of loneliness. Parents: The answers would not be with him. Your role starts now. 3. Pressure Sacks At Home: In addition to managing their body, they also carry a burden of a complex family dynamics of a nuclear family system. In some unfortunate cases, they also pass through an unfortunate emotional trauma of a broken family. Adding to their miseries could be the adjustment with peers and odd behavior of teachers. They may also have a close call with child abuse, physical, sexual, and emotional neglect. Parents: Find the time. Sit and share. All this could prove fatal and beyond alarming in the overall health and well-being of any child. 4. Health Issues: Our children are our future. Besides taking care of the aforesaid avenues of their life, addressing to their health issues is also our duty especially under the current scenario of global …show more content…

8. Wrong Food of Entertainment: Another deterrent is media. They, unfortunately, translate the information in harmful ways. This furthers the flow of wrong choices. Alienation from their family and want of trusted friends often leave them vulnerable. Sometimes, they are open to unhealthy practices because of lesser information on sexual issues, and frank and honest guidance. Parents: Help them drop things that enslave them, and encourage them to write off the company that affected the negativity in them. With multiple pressures on their heads, they cannot lead a happy life without your intervention at the right time. Look deep into their problems and see to it that they are regularly counseled and taken care of. Peaceful life will then touch their core and make the future incredibly beautiful. Studies suggest that confident young people who feel supported by their families and friends are better able to successfully negotiate any potential

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