Argumentative Essay: Captain America As A Super Hero

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In the 1940s Joe Simon and Jack Kirby saw the increasing popularity of Patriotically-themed super heroes and jumped on the bandwagon with the first issue of Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. Soon after the release of Captain America he became one of Marvel’s best-selling characters. Later Jack Kirby worked with Stan lee to continue the story of the popular Captain America. Later in 2011, the first Captain America movie came out, Captain America: The First Avenger, this is one of the best Marvel movie to this day. Though the second movie is equal in quality this essay will only really be discussing the first, and no one should ever talk about Civil War, it was horrible and should be wiped off the face of the planet; but they cant all be winners. Therefore, to truly understand why one should find Cap to be the greatest hero, one must understand the complete and utter brilliance of the first movie: meaning knowing how influenced it was by its own time period, how revolutionary is was to the hero archetype it was, and it’s political commentary. Set in the same time period as it's first issue was created which demonstrates the story taking place in the most altering events in human history. It gives a new take on hero movies because they usually take place in the modern day while this one …show more content…

He is perfect in all his imperfections and he has compassion for days. What more do you need in a hero? He breaks all the rules for heroes, he is the idea of just being the best you can and never giving up. He is a super hero does not need to be super for him to still be a hero. Look at Iron Man, take away that suit and what do you have, a whiny little bitch; a coward. Take away the serum from Cap and what do you have, a pure, beautiful, good man; a hero. “You stand up, push back…[they] can’t say no forever right?” - Steve

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