Argumentative Essay: Chewing Gum At Morton College

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As a Morton College student I notice a dilemma rising around campus. Anyone has the right to express their opinion in however form they believe is necessary. As Willy Wonka said, "Chewing gum is really gross. Chewing Gum I hate the most." A modest proposal to ban chewing gum from Morton College. A little odd, but listen to listen to my reasoning. What is the purpose of gum? A piece of rubber that does absolutely nothing. Listen carefully as I explain why gum should be banned from our campus. I genuinely feel like I’m not the only student or staff member who feels this way. Gum is everywhere like a bad disease. Students are subconsciously addicted to gum like a bad drug. I don’t appreciate hoe the campus has gum for sale in the book store. I don’t like the school supports the gum cause. I'm at the Student Union Room at Morton and I notice whenever anyone pulls out a packet of gum student’s swarm like flies. Everyone is trying to get a piece of gum and it's just a hassle for …show more content…

I opened the box and unwrapped the paper to see an orange block with some type of jam in the center. I remember tasting nothing but weird artificial flavoring which was added to the piece of rubber. The unpleasant flavor lasted about thirty seconds and then came a bland taste of nothing. As I continually chewed on the tasteless material I started to notice that gum is pointless. I remember back in fifth grade when my teacher Mrs. Pope had to perform the Heimlich maneuver to save my friend Alex’s life. I remember the whole class getting a lecture about not chewing in class. The next week some kids were throwing gum around class and this huge chunk was thrown at this girl. Her name was Maria and she had to cut her hair and cried the whole day. Her parents were involved and even yelled at Mrs Pope. Gum just causes unnecessary stress and complications. Gum serves a no general purpose to our bodies, and creates a nuisance for

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