Argumentative Essay: Focusing On Breast Cancer

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Life has many choices that can benefit or harm one or more individuals. However, the decision that is made must be guided out of care, knowledge, and courage. Focusing on breast cancer, in the past, doctor's and insurance companies had the control over a patient's outcome. Without insurance many people were denied healthcare opportunities. Fear also played a role in this by hindering a patient to wanting to have the surgery to remove this cancer. The lack of knowledge withheld many American's to understand and realize how important and deadly breast cancer really was. One might believe that Susan Grant would have asked at that time, who are we to deny any individual the right to want to live? With that being said, I believe that with the faith of a mustard seed, anything is possible. …show more content…

Her doctor encouraged her three daughters to get a mammogram to make sure that my grandmother's breast cancer was not hereditary. However, due to them not being able to afford insurance, it gave them the potential of having breast cancer. It was believed at that time that in order to receive a mammogram you should be of the age forty or higher. My mother and her sister's dismissed the idea of cancer and focused on caring for my grandmother and proceeded on with their lives. My grandmother later had surgery and the cancer was removed. In the year of 2002 one of my aunt's found a lump in her breast and immediately went to her doctor for help but was denied a mammogram. Two more years passed without a mammogram and the lump grew in size. My aunt was very determined and finally she received a mammogram, but was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer which then metastasized to her kidney, liver, spine, and brain. On August 26, 2005 my aunt died at the age of

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