Argumentative Essay: Is Auto Racing A Sport?

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There are many arguments for and against auto racing being a sport. This shouldn’t be an argument in my eyes. To understand this argument one needs to know what type of auto racing people are saying that is a sport. Automobile racing has been around as long as there have been automobiles. Every sixteen year old kid weather they will admit it or not has raced someone or even the clock in their car. There aren’t very many teenage males that can honestly say they have never drag raced anyone either. This type of racing is not however a sport in my eyes. There is no stress on the body, and not any practice needed to participate in this. This is the reason that most people believe that auto racing is not a sport. The type of racing mentioned above …show more content…

This includes stock cars (NASCAR), go karts, indy cars, and sprint cars. Nascar drivers are among the best athletes in the world. This is not really seen to someone who is not a race fan though. It seems that there is no “middle” either you like racing or you don’t there really isn’t the “middle” that their is in other sports. If you don’t think that a Nascar driver is an athlete, just imagine the following circumstances. The first obstacle that you would deal with would be extreme heat, the temperature inside the cockpit of the car would be atleast 150 degrees constantly. The safety equipment doesn’t help with heat, or comfort either. The fire suit that a driver is required to wear is very hot, even at room temperature because of the thickness and the fire proof insulation. The full face helmet that most drivers wear, lets very little if any air in, and makes it almost impossible to wipe your face, eyes, etc.. If that is not enough, the most heat in the cockpit goes directly on the feet, even with the fire wall and the heat reducing shoes. The seats that are used aren’t the most comfortable, but are getting better in both safety and comfort. The seats aren’t near as bad as far as comfort as the seat belt. All stock cars use either a five or six point harness, one over each shoulder, one over each side of the lap, and one over each leg around the groin. The six belts are mounted to the roll cage, and latch in the center of the

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