Argumentative Essay: Is PC A Better Choice?

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It is your birthday and after countless hours of begging, your parents agree to get you an entertainment system. Now, you must ponder for countless more hours on whether to get a console, or a PC(personal computer). Would you prefer the safer option; the long-lasting, mediocre console? Or go all out with the riskier option; an expensive, high performance PC? By comparing the price, performance, and style of gameplay, I will explain why PC is the better choice. First off, there is the console. Most consoles, such as the PlayStation or Xbox, usually prices at around 300-400 dollars. When purchasing a console, you do not have much choice to choose how much memory you can have which is 500 gigabytes or 1 terabyte (1000 gigabytes=1 terabyte). …show more content…

The better PCs that you can actually play games with decent performance is at least 500-600 dollars. Then, you have to purchase many accessories for the PC such as a mouse, a keyboard, a monitor, and a headset. Depending on how much you can spend and what kind of performance you want, the total price can easily come up to over 300 dollars. In total, you may be spending several hundreds, maybe even thousands, on your PC. Although this is true, the benefits that come with the PC are worth it, with the first being online store platforms. There are several online stores that enable you to digitally purchase and download games, the most popular one being Steam. Unlike other stores that shelves console games, such as Playstation Store or Gamestop, Steam offers thousands of PC games including immediate releases for new games. In addition, Steam also offer massive discounts at regular intervals for many games unlike the stores for console. In addition, PCs come with the ability for online and multiplayer gaming. In the long run, that is huge amount of money saved from sales and not having the need to spend 60 dollars a year for online …show more content…

Although the console cost less than the PC at first, they become outdated when companies release a new platform, and you have to purchase the new one in order to play the latest games. The unique and overall best feature about the PC is the fact that you can upgrade and customize them by purchasing new parts. The prices are much better considering the amount of sales Steam offer compared to console game stores and also the fact that you must pay in order to play online. The performance is much better due to the superior hardware of the PC. Gameplay is not restricted and the using the mouse is much easier and accurate. In the end, it comes down to personal preference, but if you have money to spare, choose the PC for the superior gaming

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