Argumentative Essay: Is Wind Energy Sustainable?

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Over the past hundred years, humans have become accustomed to utilizing energy in the form of electricity almost all of the time. Since its invention, electricity has become an essential part of life, from cellphones and the internet, to modern medicine. However, with the increase of climate change, it has become apparent that the way that electricity has typically been generated is not sustainable, nor eco-friendly. Commonly, fossil fuels are burned in order to create electricity. While fossil fuels give off a lot of energy that can be quickly transformed into electricity, they also have extremely detrimental by-products. Just as any other combustion reaction, the combustion of a fossil fuel emits the greenhouse gas known as carbon dioxide. …show more content…

This makes wind energy sustainable as wind will always exist on Earth, as long as it continues to orbit the Sun. While wind energy is sustainable, it is also incredibly environmentally- safe. As most mainstream energy sources involve the combustion of fossil fuels, there is a lot of greenhouse gas buildup, causing climate change, on the Earth. With wind energy, the only greenhouse gas emitted is carbon dioxide, and it is only emitted while the turbine is being built. Comparing this to other forms of energy, wind turbines emit the lowest amount of carbon dioxide, as even the construction of solar installations and biomass plants, which are both considered green alternatives to fossil fuels, emit greater amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. Once built, wind turbines do not produce any greenhouse gases whatsoever, the energy they they transform being limitless and free. To add, wind turbines will last on average for about twenty five years with only a few minor repairs necessary. There are not any waste products created by wind turbines, meaning that there are no waste disposal issues with wind energy, unlike nuclear power and energy from fossil fuels. Overall, wind energy has a very minimal impact on the environment, only producing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide when built, and lasting as an energy source for up to twenty five

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