Leaving the ice age for the fire age is debatable. I believe it depends on how the ages come about and what is considered the end and the beginning of the coming ages. In recorded history, the earth follows a cycle where glaciers take over for hundreds of thousands of years and then recede for tens of thousands of years. Currently, the ice age having continued, it seems we are within the so-called interglacial period of the last age where ice is melting since the last 10,000. However, it is easily observable that the fire age is forthcoming. Irreversible now, I believe the Age of Fire may have begun the moment Homo erectus discovered fire’s workings. This is the moment when humans would prove to be both a superior but a distressful species to the natural cycles within mother earth. Human use of Pyrotechnology has come a …show more content…
In a sense, the fire is always burning within industrial nations to continue their working as a people and a society. However, a majority of the combustion does not go into burning trees and the seedlings that into more life. Thus, excess combustion that the earth handles in ways unknown. On the other hand, biomass burning in places where the environment flourishes are what the earth cycle has been accustomed too. However, the regimes are being disrupted and changing as of result to a degraded version of themselves for the worst. This fire age is ramping up, only a fraction of the world lives in the industrial nations that utilize the hydrocarbons. Developing nation often start with some of the most inefficient hydrocarbons in order to start up industry. Thus, the fire age can only come faster as there are over 7 billion humans in need of the same food, water, and resources settling into new industrial nations. Nonetheless, nations and industries may try to combat the oncoming Anthropocene conditions with newer technologies that do not utilize combustion (Solar, Water, etc.), but it may be already too