Argumentative Essay: Little Dogs Vs. Big Dogs

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I. Introduction

A. Big dogs are typically defined as breeds that weigh over 50 pounds and stand at least 23 inches tall at the shoulder. These breeds are known for their strength, loyalty, and protective nature.

B. Little dogs are typically small and known for their playfulness, affectionate nature, and adaptability to living in smaller spaces. They are often popular choices for apartment living and as companions for those who prefer a smaller pet.

Owning a dog can bring many benefits, such as reducing stress and increasing physical activity. Dogs can also supply emotional support and companionship, making them an important part of many people's lives.

While big dogs and little dogs both have their unique qualities, they also have …show more content…

Advantages of Owning Big Dogs

A. More protection; Big dogs are often perceived as more intimidating and can supply a greater sense of security for their owners. Additionally, many large breeds are known for their loyalty and protective instincts, making them excellent guard dogs.

B. Big dogs are easier to train due to their intelligence and willingness to please their owners. They often have a longer attention span and can focus on tasks for longer periods of time than smaller dogs. This makes them ideal for activities such as obedience training and agility competitions.

C. Big dogs are great for outdoor activities such as hiking and running. Their size and strength make them excellent companions for active owners who enjoy outdoor adventures. Plus, their presence can help deter wildlife and other potential dangers on the trail.

D. Big dogs need less maintenance. This is because they have a thicker coat that can protect them from extreme weather conditions, and they are less prone to certain health issues that smaller dogs may experience. However, big dogs may require more exercise and space to move …show more content…

Little dogs are cheaper to feed and require less food than big dogs, which can save money on pet expenses.

C. Little dogs are often easier to train and manage due to their smaller size and lower energy levels. They can also be more suitable for families with young children or elderly individuals who may not be able to handle a larger, more energetic dog. Overall, owning a little dog can be a great possibility for those with limited space, budget, or lifestyle constraints.

C. Little dogs are easier to find home C. Little dogs are easier to find a home if you ever need to move or give them up for adoption since they are more popular and in demand than larger breeds. Additionally, they can make great companions and are often easier to train and care for due to their smaller size.

D. small dogs require Lower grooming needs; This is because they have less fur and smaller bodies, which makes grooming easier and quicker. However, it is still important to regularly groom small dogs to support their hygiene and prevent any skin or coat issues.

V. Disadvantages of Owning Little