Argumentative Essay On Aliens

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Aliens- Final Synthesis Essay- Final Draft Running through a cornfield, it is dark, your heart is pumping so rapidly as if it is going to come popping out of your chest, your breathing becomes heavy and unsteady, a wave of goosebumps runs over your body as it tenses and shakes with fear as you can sense it getting closer. The outcome of the chase, is foreseeable and inevitable, although the creature can not be seen, you can tell it is gaining ground quickly, and you start losing hope when all of a sudden there is silence. Nothing but the sound of rustling corn in the wind, and then...WHAM! The beam of light on the screen made from the mothership blinds the entire audience in the theatre. The aliens have captured your favorite character in …show more content…

Since there is no absolute evidence to say that life is out there somewhere, we can also say that they do not exist just as well. No matter all of the math and the speculation that comes with the thought for example behind the conspiracy theory of area 51 and the government hiding the wonders of space from the world, there is no absolute answer that proves there is actually aliens or other lifeforms in the deeper parts of space. The distance between stars is so great that observation is impossible, we simply do not have the resources in order to do so. Scientists are left with is guessing in a scientific manner, hopefully. Guesses are the best thing that can be done provided with the information collected so far. The closest thing that is used, that is some sort useful, is the Fermi Paradox. The Fermi paradox or Fermi's paradox, named after physicist Enrico Fermi, is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence and high probability estimates for example those given by the Drake equation (Used to estimate the odds of finding intelligent life in the universe), for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. During the 1980s, many scientists wrote papers about the Fermi Paradox. They considered technical and sociological arguments for why they could not find evidence proving the alien's presence. Some scientists insisted that there was no paradox at all and that the reason we do not see evidence of extraterrestrials is because there is not any evidence (SETI Scientists. "Fermi Paradox." Fermi Paradox. SETI Institute, 2017. Web. 26 May

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