Argumentative Essay On Animal Welfare

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Wild and domesticated animals are an integral part of society, which has led to a large mistreatment of them. Due to the nature of care and domestication, whether for personal of pets or livestock, there have been developments in the treatment of animals, both good and bad. While many laws are in place to protect animals kept at home, often times livestock are treated so terribly to the point of disbelief, all in the interest of optimizing cash flow and to create specialty dishes (Zuzworsky, 2001). The current federal laws regarding animal welfare in the United States are too lax and must be made tighter and added to, in order to provide adequate protection for animals. Current legislation is outdated. What is there no longer applies, and does …show more content…

Animals that are healthier and happier produced higher grade milk, meat, and egg products. It is often noticed by consumers a better taste, size, and colour of various cruelty-free products, and they are therefore then willing to pay a higher price for the product (Free range chicken really DOES taste better, say scientists, 2016). In a study by Thorsten et al. that pigs raised with good health and a focus on welfare produced noticeably higher quality meat (2013). If farmers were to focus on raising animals to meet enforced standards of welfare, while it may seem more expensive at first it would really benefit them in the end. Currently, due to a lack of laws surrounding animal welfare, farmers try to optimize space in the interest of profit, without realizing that healthier animals would create more money. If strict laws were enforced in the interest of animals, it would also be in the interest of farmers as the higher quality of product would lead to increased profits. Overall, increased ruling regarding how livestock is treated will not only increase the lives of animals, but also the profits of

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