Daniel Fernandez Mr. Carbone HRE4M1 27 November 2015 Religion CPT Essay Outline: Birth Control In today’s society, people tend to form their own opinions on a variety of significant ethical issues. The more knowledge and information people know about, the more their stance on the topic changes. In the case of birth control, the media advertises it in a positive way and influences people into using contraceptives more frequently. Birth control is now seen as an invitation to have sexual intercourse for pleasure alone, not for its true intended purpose. This causes a major problem in the world as the Church does not accept this. In the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church, the multiple uses and methods of birth control are unethical in the sense …show more content…
As it says in Genesis 1:28, “And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’” This proves that we are to create life, not prevent it, which is what birth control is truly used for. Contraceptives contradict the natural law of procreation since its purpose is to create life. People use various methods of birth control to resolve and prevent unwanted births and to avoid the choice of abortion. However, if this is their true intention, there are many other methods that the church approves of that provides the same results, such as abstinence and natural family planning (NFP). Ultimately, birth control is unethical as it prevents a life from being created. This idea is completely overlooked as people do not understand what they are doing when they use contraceptives. Something so sacred and special that is to be shared through the unification of two people to create a life is ceasing to exist when a contraceptive is used. It is ultimately a tool for pleasure and desire, resulting in regret and many consequences. For all these years, people have been blind to what they have been doing and have become deceived by the