Argumentative Essay On Breast Cancer

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Depending on what methodology is used, cancer is listed as either primary or secondary killer disease in the world. It's estimated that 60 percent of the people over the age of 65 years and above have been diagnosed with cancer. And for those ages 40-64 years old estimated diagnosis is 35 percent. Considering those figures, people would think that the world’s government along with other cancer societies would do comprehensive research on the real cause. But they're not. In fact the worlds fight against cancer has been equivocal failure. Since this study began, the world has spent untold billions on factually useless treatments that have shown little or ineffective in reversing the cancer epidemic. If you don't know the cause of the illness, …show more content…

Throughout the world, there is a huge medical industrial complex in place to treat breast cancer. Here's how it works. Every hospital, medical centers or doctor’s clinic has the latest mammogram machines. This shows abnormality, a surgeon is now involved once abnormality is detected. Then, biopsy on the site is performed. Once diagnosed with cancer, more test and surgeries are prescribed for either chemotherapy or radiation. This is causing much money to deal and not everyone has the ability to sustain such treatment without enough money involved. If the world’s healthcare is only helping us to live longer then we don't have to spend more money. However, over the past years we have not seen age-adjusted mortality rates decline significantly for the most common cancer, breast cancer included. Nothing of this resources is predictable to cure cancer. However, the world will not see a drastic improvement in mortality rates until a search begins for the underlying causes of …show more content…

These statements were repeated over and over, even though there was no data to justify them. But in fact, we did not need such supporting data to presume that synthetic hormones would be harmful. We need only to look at the physiology and biochemistry of synthetic hormones. You could predict problems with both Premarin and Provera due to their physical structures. Such hormones are completely foreign to the human body and have no place in any treatment plan. Progesterone is essential to help the body balance its estrogen levels. In fact, women with the highest progesterone levels have 88 percent less risk in having breast cancer. There are several studies presenting the anti-cancer effects of bio-identical, normal progesterone. It is important to have your progesterone levels checked and if they are sub-optimal, only use bio identical, normal progesterone. Natural progesterone is very safe with few side effects. Doses of 15 to 100 mg per day are very safe and well

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