Argumentative Essay On Breast Cancer

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A very controversial topic in the health related fields is caner. There is a lot of theories and facts about it but yet still a lot of confusion. What is it? How do we prevent it? Why are so many people suffering from it? “In 2015, about 589,430 Americans are expected to die of cancer.” 40,730 of those deaths are from breast cancer and 149,300 from intestinal cancer. Cancer is the 2nd most common cause of death, yet we have many ways to prevent and treat it. ( Cancerous cells are cells where the normal signal to regulate the cell cycle doesn’t works properly. This miscommunication cause an overabundance of growth in the cells that could essentially never stop. This new growth is called a tumor. There is two different types …show more content…

There has been many studies on different types of cancer, one of which is breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most studied when it comes to relating it to exercise. “73 studies conducted around the world…indicate a 25% reduction in the risk of breast cancer among the most physically active women.” Similar studies have been conducted on prostate, lung, kidney, colon and endometrial cancers and all have returned with the conclusion that exercise does indeed help prevent them. (Cancer …show more content…

Originally patients were told to avoid exhaustion due to physical activity because it would be bad for the process of recovering. In women undergoing treatment for breast cancer, “aerobic exercise not only improved functional capacity and body composition, but it also decreased chemotherapy-induced nausea.” The benefits of exercise are proven for both chemotherapy and radiation and for patients of all age types, including senior citizens. Exercise can also act as a distraction from the pain. When a patient is preoccupied by other things, like exercise, they are less likely to fixate of the pain of their treatment. Also many patients hold a lot of stress and physical activity is a great stress reliever. (Cancer

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