Argumentative Essay On Breastfeeding

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One of the things a woman has to decide when she gives birth is whether or not to breastfeed her baby. Some women choose not to breastfeed because they feel awkward, while others have physical ailments where they are not able to. Today, we are more open to discussing this topic than previous generations were in the past. Therefore, women are more informed. When I was in middle school I was taught the benefits of breastfeeding and am able to make a decision knowing all the facts. Breast milk contributes to the infant’s health; more so than instant formula. Being born into the world, there are many diseases and infections the baby can be exposed to. Of course the baby should get their immunizations, but being breastfed will give the baby even more protection. It has been stated that breastfeeding also helps other immunizations work better as well. (Koerber, 2013) Being breastfed has been linked with protecting babies from a long list of illnesses. Some examples would be ear infections, diabetes, and even improves their neurocognitive development. (Heymann, Raub, & Earl, 2013) The main thing that makes breast milk beneficial for the infants would be the secretory immunoglobulin A, which is the component that gives the milk the protection factor for the immunity. Lactobacillus …show more content…

It has been said that the baby has to eat every two to three hours a day. When women go back to work they have to decide if they want to continue to breast feed. Most women think that they have to use this time to wean their infant off of breast milk because they are not able to nurse them either because they are at work or they cannot pump and store the milk while at work. (Heymann et la., 2013) There also are not many places available to breast feed in public. You could do it in the restroom, but if it’s not a private restroom, it may make other women feel uncomfortable even if she is using a nursing

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